
Thursday, September 30, 2010

ArtPrize ... and the Fun Continues!

Earlier this evening the ArtPrize entries voted into the Top 10 were announced.  Mine was not one of those.  However, I'm very happy to say "The Lake" was voted into the Top 75.  There are 1,713 entries in this exhibition.  Woo Hoo!

It pleases me greatly that my art piece is so well received.  There has been a steady stream of viewers through my venue, DeVos Place, which is a conference center in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Most stopped to study my piece.  Many were surprised it was NOT a painting.

Men, women, and children were intrigued.  An occasional viewer, most of whom were men, would lean back against the rail and contemplate for a while.  The few I asked what they were thinking, responded to the effect that they were enjoying "a moment on the beach".  One of the comments I liked hearing was, "I keep expecting the beach grass to move."

Several kids asked for my autograph.  Over the weekend there were kids who were intrigued enough to stop and watch me demonstrating my "ortwork" technique.

One of them convinced her grandmother to see the art in DeVos Place without her so she could stay and make her own lake piece.

It's been a wonderful first week.  The ArtPrize exhibition runs through October 10th.  I'll be sharing some of the other entries in future posts.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Interpret This - September

"Nelliephant" - 23"x 17"

fabric, tulle, yarn
oil stick pastels, watercolor pencils, ink

Go to the IT link to read more about my interpretation of this photo of a fence in Indonesia taken by Debra.

PS:  ArtPrize News!  At this point in time my entry, "The Lake" is one of the top 100 vote getters!  Woo Hoo!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

ArtPrize ... and the Fun Begins!

Here's where I was 24 hours ago.
Waiting for the ArtPrize opening reception at DeVos Place to begin.  This was the only opportunity to get a photo of just me in front of "The Lake".  I loved the steady stream of people, many who marveled this was a textile piece rather than a painting.  There were even some who were surprised to discover that it was twenty-five panels instead of one big piece.
Thanks to Colleen for taking this one.  It was wonderful to see her and other friends as well as everyone else who came.

I'm pleased with this piece ... that the kind of day at the beach I pictured in my mind comes across ... a perfect day between storms.  The strong waves rolling to shore are the result of a storm that's already passed while the clouds on the horizon are building another storm to come ... a reflection of weathering the storms of life while appreciating the changes those turbulent times bring ... and most importantly, cherishing the time between.

And then the word spread about Elvis "swimming" in the piece.  Some people even came back again to find him.  The most obvious of all the images is in the center of this panel.

Here are some of my favorite panels of "The Lake".


"The Lake" 9' x 7'

PS:  I'll be demonstrating my "ortwork" technique on Saturday and Sunday afternoons from noon to 5:00pm at DeVos Place in Room A.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Prairie Performance" Revisited

In early August we stopped at the New Sherman Hospital in Elgin, Illinois on our drive from Milwaukee, Wisconsin back to our cottage in Michigan.

 We had lunch in the hospital's  dining room ...

... in front of "Prairie Performance".

When Lee had gotten up to clear his tray, a woman at the next table said, "Let me tell you about those flowers.  They're what is planted outside around the hospital."  I replied with a big smile, "Thank you, I know.  I'm the artist."  She got all excited about my being there and told me she sits as close as she can for her lunch everyday.  Then she pointed out the Elvis she had found .... one that I had forgotten about.  Another diner joined in saying much the same things.  I pointed out a couple of more Elvis images to them.

Above is the view out the window that is perpendicular to the wall where "Prairie Performance" is installed.  If you look closely, its reflection can be seen in the glass.

I took a walk outside with my iPhone camera.

I also took photos of the interior garden, "The Healing Courtyard."  Quite a few Cone Flowers had been planted there.
Since then, friends from Hawaii also stopped in Elgin to view my art while on this trip to the states.  Here's Kawiki on his cell phone asking Lee for guidance to find an Elvis image.

Monday, September 13, 2010

ArtPrize Installation at DeVos Place

 I am so grateful to Janice from Good Goods gallery for all her work in getting my textile installation, "The Lake",  on the wall of DeVos Place.  That is the convention center in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan and is my venue for the ArtPrize exhibition that begins on September 22nd.

Friday, September 10, 2010

9/11 Remembered

To read about this quilt created for the people of New York City go here.  My intent was and is to let them know how much we feel and care for those who lived this tragedy.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

At the Gallery

During a recent weekend I was one of three textile artists featured at Good Goods Gallery in Saugatuck, Michigan.  Dawn Edwards (on left) who makes fabulous felt hats is demonstrating felting to a customer (on right).
Sandra Adams who is the third featured artist is watching with me.  Sandra's medium is also felting and she, too, had a table out in Good Good's garden for demonstrating her techniques that result in scarves ... scarves that I would hang on a wall as art, rather than wear.

I demonstrated my "ortwork" collage technique in the upstairs gallery.

Above I was composing a small lake piece.  The foundation of which was made up of cut-offs from "The Lake" installation piece.
Two were completed that afternoon.  Each was purchased almost before I could get the back signed.  In fact, the first one was gone before I thought to take a photo.  Here's a picture of the second one.
"Piece of The Lake" 8"x 8"

Speaking of a piece of "The Lake", two of the five rows of my ArtPrize entry is hanging in Good Good's Gallery until next Friday.
Next Sunday all 5 rows will be installed in DeVos Place ready for the BIG exhibition that begins September 22nd.