I had made this art piece in my early years of quilting. At that time my thoughts and intent were design oriented. I loved the whole process of creating it.
In 2006 it took on new meaning. My mother and several friends lived through the experience of
breast cancer and this piece had evolved to reflect how their diseased
breast(s) affected their lives. A cancerous breast becomes detached, or
isolated, from "normal" life. It is the main focus in the center of an
out of kilter personal universe. All that is happening to the treated
breast is reflected not only in the life of a woman but in those who
love her.
I never dreamed it would reflect my ongoing journey since that tiny shadow was found on my mammogram in early May ... that I would join the ranks, the sisterhood, of the many women who are forced to fight this battle. Nothing in any
of our lives stays the same. However, big changes happen at an
accelerated pace for us and our partners and families. As often as I've said, "I just want to get back to my life" there is no going back. I can only go forward ... making adjustments and reconciling to what is now ... and making art.
Technique: Hand-quilted, hand applique, hand embroidery and needle lace, machine pieced.
Materials: silk fabric; hand-dyed, upholstery & commercial cotton fabrics; acrylic paint; beads; mono-filament, metallic, and cotton thread; polyester batting