
Thursday, May 17, 2007

SMQ Guild Show Special Award Ribbons

This year I'm in charge of award ribbons. That involves ordering the 1st, 2n, and 3rd place ribbons as well as the honorable mention ones AND making twelve ribbons for the special awards.
It was fun interpreting the award for the design of the top part and finding an appropriate font for the awards description.

I printed the written part on computer transfer material for white tee shirts. It was ironed onto rip-stop nylon. The transfer requires high heat for about 5 minutes. Parchment paper for baking was used to protect the fabric. I then bonded another layer of rip-stop nylon to the printed layer to give it body. All the materials were over sized so that where the ribbons were cut the edges were sealed.

The top quilted part is gathered onto a CD disc by gathering up a running stitch around the outside edge. Another disc is covered with batting and fabric then blind-stitched to the front one. The tops of the hanging ribbons are secured and encased between the two. A cardboard with a hanger purchased from the trophy shop is glued to the back.

I designed and quilted all but one. The day that I was fretting about what to do for the "Excellence In Hand Workmanship" ribbon, my friend, Patty Ashworth, had received a blue ribbon from the Hoffman Challenge contest for her hand quilting. I asked her to make the top part for our shows award. She designed and beautifully stitched a sunflower medallion.

I thought the "Viewer's Choice" ribbon should be readily seen by the voters at the show. So, I designed a combination display/vote box that sets on the hostess table. I used black and white fabrics for the box so that any colored ribbon in the future will look good displayed on it.

Now, I'm off to pin all the ribbons on the winning quilts with the help of my friend, Judy. The show opens tomorrow morning at 10:00am.


  1. Nellie, you are always inspiring! Love your moondance quilt and the ribbons for the show are fabulous! Great work. hope your show is a success!

  2. I'd love to win one of those ribbons! They are fantastic.

  3. What wonderful ribbons! Each is a little work of art. Great job, Nellie!

  4. Anonymous8:20 PM

    These are great! How nice to have custom made ribbons. The recipients are going to be thrilled!

  5. Amazing, absolutly beautiful ribbons! What an honor winning one of those will be. I came by to comment on the moondance quilt which is such a fantastic work and here you are with another amazing post! You inspire me Nellie!

  6. These are all FABULOUS ribbons that I'm sure anyone would LOVE to receive!!!
    And, CONGRATULATIONS on your awards!

  7. what beautiful ribbons! i like your art and all your doing! Greetings Barbara

  8. Nellie thy're wonderful!! the winners will be happy for receiving these ribbons, beyond to the awards!

  9. These ribbons are as beautiful as a quilt! What great ideas - I'm going to pass this along to our gals who make the Quilt Show ribbons.

  10. how fun! the best in show and juried (the threesome) look like your little postcard quilts...these are all delightful!

  11. Wow - Great ribbons and voting box. Well done that is inspiring.

  12. Nelle, thank you for sharing all of the pictures from the show. They were all fabulous! There is a show here this weekend, which I will not be able to attend, so seeing these helped calm down my temper tantrum!


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