
Monday, July 09, 2007

Purple Lake Postcard

Here's a second postcard that has slipped into the Lake Series. The sky and horizon of the lake are the purple Thai silk fabric mentioned in my last post.
Lake #34.5 - 4"x 6"
It's created for Dianna in exchange for one of her "Turtle Soup" postcards she made from the leftovers of "Honu II". See them here.

Basically, she and I are trading scraps. What fun! I can hardly wait to receive mine from her.


  1. Hello Nellie,
    You have done some beautiful work here it is just lovely and exactly my favourite colours......full marks go to you.
    Joy in Australia who you sent the lovelt tatting shuttles to

  2. Your lake series looks wonderful in the postcard format.

  3. The Lake series is gorgeous! I truly enjoy popping in to see what you've been up to. Thanks for the pleasant surprise!

  4. More wonderful work, no matter what size.

  5. ciao,

    your Lake series are beautiful on little and on great format.

    Today I saw all your pics of Cottage Series and I think that the place where you live should be like a paradise during summer.

    I've had some problems in posting comments on your blog and on your too...but today it seems everything is ok. Let's hope!

    ciao ciao


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