
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Playing with Ed

Judy and I were working in the studio and my husband, Lee, was engaged in a tennis match on this particular morning. Cousin, Ed, was at loose ends. He paints canvases with acrylics and had expressed interest in how my lake pieces are created. So, I prepared a foundation and gave him a bag of scraps to play with while he watched a golf tournament.
 Here's his charming creation after I had machine quilted it.
I was working on this piece that morning.Lake #40
Here it is under construction.
I enjoy working along-side creative people. Recently, I was catching up with Robert Genn's Artist's Newsletters ... along with a lot of blogs. This one, "The Buddy System", struck home with me ... especially this bit of sage advice:
  • Don't comment unless asked.
  • Give the gift of joyous approval.
  • Accept all comers for what they wish to become.
  • Understand and grant other styles and approaches.
  • Realize the sun doesn't rise and set on academics.
  • Feature others rather than yourself.
  • Bask in the sunshine of others' success.
  • Treasure the miracle of friendship.


  1. I have to thank you for the link you gave me to Robert Genns newsletters. I find such really wonderful discussions there as well as such good advice like the buddy system example you have posted.
    I cant believe summer is nearly ending..enjoy your beautiful lake views for now.

  2. I love the way Cousin Ed's house turned out!

    Another lovely lake view and some excellent advice.

  3. Wow Nellie it looks like you have had a wonderful time creating alongside other creative people. Your niece-in-law's quilt is so beautiful - I just love the sparkling colors and the great design on both sides. The sunflowers are magnificent and so huge! The house is also beautiful. What a wonderful joy it just be to create those seascapes alongside them.

  4. Beautiful works of art.

  5. OH OH Nellie,
    your creativity incite who is near you to work.

    Thanks for these quotes, my mother used to say some of them to me and now I do the same with my daughter.

    ciao ciao

  6. The transformation of your lake series quilts after machine quilting just amazes me. I have given your techinque a whirl but nothing like what you've done. They are really intriguing and beautiful.

  7. What wonderful advice. Thanks for this link. When I get home, I want to investigate in more depth.

  8. Nellie, your space is truly creative and engaging of others.


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