
Saturday, November 10, 2007

"Inner Spectrum"- What's In My Bedroom

Making the rounds of quite a few blogs is the question,"what's on your bed?" The usual response is a photo of a beautiful quilt on a bed. Not mine ... there's a down comforter in a plain duvet cover on my bed, BUT each morning I awaken to this quilt hanging on the wall across the room.
"Inner Spectrum" (51"x 51")
The windows of light reflect the inner self, the soul. The window frames and borders represent the protective layers and boundaries we set up to shield our fragile and private selves. Even though the subject matter is deep, it makes me feel stimulated and happy. (In reference to my previous post, that's the result of the strong value contrast with the light values dominating.)
This piece is made from plain and commercially printed fabrics that I hand painted. There is both hand and machine quilting. I whip stitched a silk thread around the quilting stitches within the window frames to accentuate those lines.
  1. Exhibitions:
  • 1999 Dogwood Arts Quilt Show - Knoxville, Tennessee awarded Honorable Mention
  • 2000 - "Patchwork Pleasures", Folk Life Museum - Farragut, Tennessee
  • 2000 - "The Millennium Art Show" - Knoxville, Tennessee
PS: There is a quilt on my bed at the cottage in the "land of OZ". Go here to view and read about it.


  1. It's gorgeous. Actually, a nice quilt on the wall is more important than one on the bed as far as enjoying the look of it.

  2. this explains everything.
    no wonder you are so darn creative, who wouldn't be if every morning they looked at THAT. I can already feel my synapses firing....

  3. Wonderful morning rising sight! My bedroom is the plainest, most functional place in the house!!!

  4. A beautiful quilt! I too have a quiltless bed, but quilts on the bedroom wall.

  5. I think that the maiden and the trout will hang on my bedroom wall, when its finished. Right now the only art in there is a wonderful OKeefe print of music pink and blue.

  6. I love your inner spetrum quilt and the description you made about it. It makes the quilt so alive!

  7. Anonymous6:58 PM

    you have me whirling here.....


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