
Friday, January 18, 2008

Refining & Expanding

This is how my design wall looks now. A bit less of a "mobbley gobbley mess". The center section has been refined. I'm pleased with the striped border print that helps frame it. Using a different set of stripes on each side has off-set the symmetry. The rest of the bordering is upholstery fabric with different colorations on the front and back. I've used both. I like how the those borders extend up and down the sides. These extensions define the width of the piece (about 48"). They've also given me a notion where the top and bottom will end which helps define the design areas above and below the center section.
The group of spirals in the center of the top section has grown. However, I've since moved that yellow square from the bottom left corner of the grouping. As you can see, there's been more cutting of Patty's yellow block with the deconstructed aqua spiral. I also trimmed and cut J.C.'s large block with the multiple circles. Being a whole 11" block commanded too much attention. Now, there can be a repeat of those shapes and colors in the bottom section. A path of distribution has also been decided on for the circle/spiral fabric.
Last evening I got out my gold metallic paint and Liquid Matte Medium. On the left is the original fabric. The center piece has been discharged and spirals quilted within the circles. On the right, paint mixed with the medium emphasizes the spirals AND adds more dimension. I'm thinking of these as lights. I'm thinking of shopping in a souk at night ... colored lights, colorful ware for sale, and dark mysterious corners/passages ... intriguing confusion.
I know the areas to be filled in will have dark value fabrics. I printed out a photo and used a black crayon to color in the white spaces. Then I scanned it back into the computer. Someday I'll figure out how to employ Photoshop to do that. Here's a black and white copy to see how the values are distributed and working together.Today I'll continue quilting fabric for those empty spaces. There's another piece of black linen with a different pattern of discharged spirals printed on it. I'm thinking of layering two pieces of fabric under it (a red and a blue) with the intention of cutting reverse applique-work red, or blue, spirals. I'll continue to think about that while I cut pieces of the striped border fabric I quilted up yesterday.

At this point I'm still working with design units. Arranging and rearranging ... finding and making the pieces to fill in the puzzle. All the while there are considerations for the composition of the whole piece. Next I'll explain the placement of these units in the context of visual flow and balance.

Woo Yoo! Jenclair of Bayou Guilts has listed me for the "You Make My Day" award. I very much appreciate it. But, again, there're way too many blogs that I read that make my day to select just ten. If you're reading this and leave a comment, please consider that I've tagged you for this making my day award.


  1. I can see that you are having a lot of fun with this. I like the idea of doing a B&W photo to check the values. IT's looking really good.

  2. I'm really enjoying seeing this come together! It's awesome!

  3. I am enjoying watching this whole process. Can't wait to see the finished piece.

  4. I've been watching this with great interest. Thanks for posting the process. I have to confess that, except for the strong diagonal in the middle section which you echo in the top and bottom, I wouldn't have been able to move to the later stages from the first. When you filled in the dark colored areas with crayon and the black/white photo it became much clearer. But theindividual choices surprise me; I admire what you do very much.


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