
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

An Art Quilter's Interview

I just listened to a New England public radio half hour interview of Jeanne Williamson. Click here to go to that link and enjoy. The interviewer teaches art at a museum. He has enough knowledge to ask interesting and pertinent questions about art in the fiber medium and Jeanne has good answers.

If her name sounds familiar but you can't place it, maybe her recently published book, "The Uncommon Quilter", is the reason. Or it could be that you've seen information about the two shows currently showing her work. One is Distinctive Directions curated by textile artist, Lisa Call, at the Lux Center’s 2008 Fiber Invitational in Lincoln, Nebraska. The other exhibition is "Art Quilt Elements 2008" at the Wayne Art Center in Wayne, Pennsylvania. Jeanne has blogged about the pieces in each of these shows. Click on her name in the first paragraph to read her posts.


  1. This was fascinating. Thanks. As you say, he asked excellent questions, so unlike an interview I heard last year on NPR. Still a bit of the patronizing, "Oh, my this is really like art!" attitude, but he admitted it.

  2. Hi Nellie, just popping in to say hello *VBS* Hope you are well and busy with lots of neat, new stuff. Hugs, Finn

  3. Thanks for the info. I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed your blog also.

  4. hi Nellie
    Thanks for stopping by my blog - your celebration quilt is truely amazing, I would love to see more.

  5. Nellie - thanks for these fabulous links. Not something I would have come upon myself. I have bookmarked two of them. Thanks for sharing!


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