
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ice Storm

This picture was taken through my studio window. It's beautiful, but destructive. I'm glad to be safe and warm inside looking out.


  1. And I'm glad you've got power. Stay warm.

  2. It's cold here too Nellie and the other day we had another fall of snow - only a little this time. We have become so used to having none at all most years. At least we can use the low temperatures as our excuse for staying in to sew!

  3. My hubby is in TN right now visiting his kids and grandkids. So much for escaping from a northern MI winter. It looks like he brought it with him! At least they only lost power for about an hour last night.

  4. Brrr, it's even cold in Houston this winter but at least we don't have snow and ice.

  5. It's a wonderful sight to be looking out at though. Thankyou for your comment on my blog - you are so funny and probably have more scraps of your own than I will see in my lifetime lol! I love the way you have incorporated current trends into your portrait by using the computer and printing. Will find some time later to look at all the others x

  6. It is pretty to look at. We dodged the ice but did have snow and sleet. I'm very thankful not to have lost power! Glad you're safe and warm:)


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