
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Glorious Spring Flowers

We've had over two weeks of perfect weather with glorious spring flowers.
 It had been an exceptionally cool spring.  After the first few nice warm days every plant either bloomed or leafed out.  We've been living on our patio.  Presley, our female sheltie, has enjoyed being outdoors a lot, too.

This lavender azalea bush couldn't be more full of blossoms.

Tomorrow severe storms with lots of heavy rain is expected.  I'm  happy to have had so many days to enjoy Mother Nature's gifts.


  1. thanks for sharing your world!

  2. Glorious photos Nellie. Your spring sounds very much like ours here in the UK. Do hope the storms don't do too much damage just as everywhere is looking so beautiful.

  3. lovely photo of lovely flowers.

  4. Glorious is the word indeed.
    I would spend my time outside too.

  5. What a beautiful setting you live in.
    It amazes me that this year we, in Wisconsin, are not that far behind you there. Our azaleas are not blooming but we are definitely way ahead this year.


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