
Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Years!

I'm back in Tennessee, Christmas decorations and gifts are sorted and put away, our house is clean and orderly, and most importantly my studio is clean and organized with cleared work spaces.

I'm ready to begin another year of creativity.  Now to decide IF there will be a major project that will be my main adventure.  If so, WHAT will it be?  In the meantime, I'll be playing with several "mess of yarn" projects ... starting (or is that continuing) with the one over my left shoulder.

Wishing all of you out there a happy New Year filled with creative adventures!


  1. Nellie -Happy New Year for You!

  2. Happy New Year Nellie - you are certainly ready to go! How lovely to be able to create another 'mess' project in a tidy studio. I struggle to create a tidy one in a messy space!!

  3. Love it, love you, love your hat! Can't wait to see what you come up with in 2011!

  4. happy new year to you!

  5. A very happy 2011 to you too! Here's to lots of creativity for us all!!

  6. Happy New Year to you too! Love the hat! Love the Messy yard projects...I think a few more of those would be wonderful for a series.

    If you do not do a prairie or a lake what about a mountain? Some of the photos from your trips out west were gorgeous.

  7. Happy New Year Nellie. I'm looking forward to coming along on your journey in 2011!

  8. irishgirlsews3:37 PM

    Happy New Year to you! I'm sure you are going to have a very creative year ahead.

  9. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Happy New Year, and all the best for 2011

  10. All the best in the new year. I can't wait to see what you decide to do...

  11. OMG! What a great look on your face, really goes with your hat!


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