
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Back To "Unravelled"

Unraveled IV - 24" x 48"
I'm still excited about my newly discovered concept.  This is where I am in the process of creating number four.  Most of the clothing tags are couched to the raw silk base fabric.   More yarns will be added as that part is finished.  I've controlled the colors and values in this piece following this sketch.
Here are close-up photos of each section ...
 top section
 center section
bottom section

There's a lot more work before it will be finished.  This will be my only entry in our guild's show that takes place in mid-March.

PS:  I'm honored to be on Sharon B's Pintangle "Time for the Letter N" list.  Check it out.  I'm in good company.


  1. This is already gorgeous Nellie. I love that background fabric and the way the threads seem to tumble out of it.

  2. Nellie,
    Not only have you created a new technique but are beginning to show the different ways one can use it! Love the design (dark diamond) in the middle. You are so creative!

  3. Wow, that is awesome! I just want to run my fingers through those fibers!

  4. Oh, I like this one! This is such an interesting technique. I'll be looking for the finished version.

  5. Very appealing! Look forward to seeing more.


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