
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More Spring!

Since I last posted spring pictures the flowering crab apple trees have been giving us a show.

That's the one in our yard.  The white flowers under the tree is Candy Tuft ... it is just beginning to blossom.  I like that it's an evergreen ground cover the rest of the year.  And the pansies are beginning to bloom their little heads off after very little show through the winter.
 There are a number of lighter pink as well white crab apple trees in the neighborhood.
These trees loose their blossoms one petal at a time.  It looks as if it snowed under the white ones.

The Red Bud trees have just begun.
They are one of my favorite trees.  If anything ever happens to the crab apple in our yard that's what what will replace it. 
 I'm very fond of their delicate small blossoms.
That particular red bud tree is on the golf course.  We get to enjoy it from our patio as well as on our walks with the dog.
Yesterday late afternoon when I took this picture, the light was such that the trunks of the evergreens were violet as well.

And then there's the grass ... or I should say grasses.  The fairways of the golf course have Zoysia grass which turns brown with the first frost, but greens up within a few days ... that will happen soon.  The grass on our grounds and most everywhere else stays green all winter.  Right now the dandelions and violets growing in it are making a wonderful show.
This patch on a sunny hillside has the light blue violets.  There are purples ones elsewhere on the grounds.

I love spring and am looking forward to what's still to come ... the dogwoods and azaleas are the next to make a spectacular show.


  1. Thank you for the balm for my green-starved eyes! We are just starting to see daffodils here, and bits of green grass.

    But hey, the weatherman said we should hit 70 this Friday!! Last Friday I couldn't make it up Provo Canyon because of snow- that's March in Utah.

  2. Lovely photos Nellie.
    That red bud tree looks a bit like a Judas tree or Forest Pansy - both Cercis Family?

  3. It's such a lovely time of year isn't it Nellie? Your photos are beautiful and your yard is so pretty. I am planting a crabapple tree this weekend in our back garden - I've always wanted one. It's buds are showing colour now so I must be quick!

  4. I have been so busy with spring cleanup in my yard I have had no time for anything. Today I visited your post and it made me so happy to know this is heading our way and all my work is going to pay off soon. Whew!

  5. beautiful spring!!! Love the red bud trees as well. If I had room in the yard for another tree that would be my choice.

  6. OMG I have tot ell you the pictures are beautiful. I live in Chattanooga and I also wanted to tell you that I love your birds....they are just a touch of fresh air and I can imagine one sitting right on my secretary in my sewing room.....just lovely....thanks for sharing all of them


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