
Monday, July 11, 2011

More About ArtPrize

The announcement of my ArtPrize entry in the last post may have surprised a number of you ... those of you who remembered reading about an earlier pronouncement that this was my 2011 entry. That it was to be another installation piece featuring an early spring morning in the Smoky Mountains.
I got as far as doing weeks of research about the spring growth at a particular altitude, as well as doing two fabric studies besides the paper one above. My decision to abandon that project for now came before this  second one was finished.

The thought of devoting all my time and attention to just one project for a third year. was overwhelming. I decided that what I really wanted was to be available to spend time, as well as to be available to play with my family and friends this summer.

The mountain project is not dead. Although, I think it will be a good idea if it's done as a commission project, as was "Prairie Performance". Especially since "The Lake" is still not sold even though it has received much acclaim. It's presently hanging in Good Goods Gallery in Saugatuck, Michigan. I'm pleased to be able to visit it there, but I'd rather it find a permanent home either in a business or on the walls of a home that does not have the good fortune of having the view I see literally or figuratively of Lake Michigan.


  1. So glad you haven't abandoned Smokey Mountains, especially after all that research - it is going to be another stunning piece.

  2. It's hard to fit everything into our time allowed... You can still work on things, just smaller? I love your work.

  3. really lovely and amazing! Great work

  4. You are absolutely something else! Your work is stunning... Do you ever teach classes?? Would love to liven my brain by watching you work.
    Hugs from Mary in Sunset Beach, NC

  5. Time is so precious and time with family even more so. I think you made a great decision as hard as it is to make.

    Someone is going to have to have your Lake Michigan piece.....I am sure of it.

  6. very cool post! thanksa lot!!!!!!!!!


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