
Friday, March 30, 2012

Springtime Renewal Quilt Contest

One of the panels from Prairie Performance is entered in the Quilting Gallery's weekly contest. Today is the first for voting, which you can do up until midnight on Sunday.
Prairie Performance - 33"x 23"

This is one panel of twenty-five that makes up a whole landscape of prairie flowers indigenous to northern Illinois. It's created with mostly recycled materials, including old army blankets for batting. Each of the twenty-five panels are complete compositions that can stand alone.

Thought you may like to see a photo of the complete installation at the New Sherman Hospital in Elgin, Illinois.
Prairie Performance Installation - 167" x 117"

Many of my followers may recall the many posts of its creation over a period of nine months. For old times sake here's my favorite photo during that time ... it's when I fully realized the scale of this commissioned project.


  1. saw this early this morning and put my vote in right away ;)

  2. A great piece--or should I say pieces? I love them!

  3. What an achievement Nellie - your own personal prairie! It is vast and so beautiful.

  4. Wow, I am really impressed. I like your works, I like your blog.

    Nana from Germany

  5. Aren't those some imposters on the end in that last photo?

    I will always remember seeing this at Sherman Hospital. It is amazing when standing in front of it.

    I just voted too!

  6. Hello Nellie, I just voted for your most incredibly beautiful work of art quilt. I hope you win. Hugs Judy

  7. Just like Karen I waswdriven here by your entry after voting on it. Hope you win.

  8. Your entry caught me eye right off this morning. It got my vote. Absolutely outstanding. The entire piece is amazing.

  9. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Beautiful just doesn't adequately describe your amazing work. Wow.

  10. I remember these posts and seeing that pic of you and all those pieces on the was overwhelming! Beautiful on that wall!!

  11. I really enjoyed this article. It is always nice when you read some thing that is not only informative but entertaining.

  12. Nellie, I remember when you started this project! It is spectacular! How wise you were to break it down into panels. Each one is a masterpiece on its own.

  13. This is magnificent...I have no words. Wish I could see this in person.

  14. Anonymous3:35 PM

    My daughter and I were in the hospital yesterday, and we happened to go down to the cafeteria to get a bite to eat. When I first saw this art--I thought it was a painting and that it was beautiful!! Imagine my surprise and utter delight at seeing upon closer inspection, it was a quilt!! WOW it is amazing!!


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