
Friday, May 11, 2012

"Quilts For Mom" Quilting Gallery Contest

Once again I've entered one of my quilts in the Quilting Gallery's weekly contest. I never enter with the intention of winning ... which I haven't so far ... but as another way to share my work with more quilters around the world. Go here to see the other entries for this weeks contest and to vote for your favorite. Check out my favorite one that's titled "Mom." It's created by a Michigan artist who also loves to recycle fabric and stuff into her art.

 "Hollyhocks" - 18"x22" - 2004

This is another "ortwork" piece that was my answer to the challenge of interpreting a photograph. The blossoms are made from cut apart and reshaped silk flower parts. It is detailed with pastel oil sticks and paint. Many of the leaves are reshaped from the silk plants. The small ones are shapes cut from interior decorator fabric samples. This was purchased by a friend in Knoxville and hangs in her bedroom.

PS: This entry won the Quilting Gallery contest. Thanks to all of you  who voted for it. The black roses quilt that got a whole lot of votes was not eligible to win ... ???


  1. OH NELLY!!!! This s GORGEOUS! I have a particular liking for hollyhocks as i "inherited" tons of them in my 100 year old house's gardens! And the piece you sent me with the yellow daisies still hangs proudly above my computer desk :)

  2. This is a charming take on hollyhocks, Nellie! They're not seen so much in fabric art, and it's too bad.

  3. Love this piece. Hollyhocks always remind me of being a child and seeing them grow up on the side of our garage. Now I have one on the side of mine. ;)

  4. Your hollyhocks quilt is stunning Nellie and looks almost like a lovely oil painting rather than a textile piece. I love it.

  5. Ah ... I found my way to your blog through the weekly QG contest ... you piece is stunning!! Really very lovely!! :)

  6. I need to know how to do this! Gorgeous quilt! Any chance you can point me to a tutorial?

  7. Love it! A neighbor nearby grows hollyhocks that are HUGE in the front yard. a loud splash of color in an otherwise green same old same old long line of yards.

  8. Nellie. Congrats on your win. I love your work!


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