Hudertwasser's Happy Houses
The collage project that I worked on while Alicia made her "Oriental Robe" piece is the third in my series of Hundertwasser's happy houses. I made this to meet a fabric challenge presented by the quilt shop, Fabric Fusion, owned by a friend in Milwaukee. The quilts made for this event are on display at the shop on Brown Deer Road until May 20th."A Hot Time ..." (in the old town tonight) - 19"x22 - 2006
I've been fascinated with Friedensreich Hundertwasser's art and philosophy since 1998 when my nephew, Peter, brought a book about him to our summer cottage. I knew then that I wanted to interpret Hundertwasser's houses into fiber. I'm intriqued with his strong feelings about trees as fellow tenents of our dwellings and that we all should have the right to decorated our doors and windows for as far as we can reach to do so. To me most of his paintings are quilt-like."Hundertwasser's Happy Houses I" - 24"x24" - 2003
Gifted to Alicia - Christmas 2004. It hangs in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The quilting patterns for all three pieces are done with a "continuous" line. I did this to honor his drawing of a spiral climbing horizontally up the walls of a room in 1959. I almost panicked when my bobbin thread ran out. But then, I realized he most likely had to put down his pen to answer the call of nature before he was finished. So, I wound a new bobbin and picked up the line where I left off.Also, I free-motion quilted all ten names that he claimed during his life in the foregrounds of my first two pieces.
"Hundertwasser's Happy Houses II" - 18"x20" - 2003
My daughter-in-law, Terra, had fallen in love with HHHI, so I made this one for her birthday. It hangs in Evanston, Illinois.
Nellie, you continue to inspire me, and make me think. Sometimes that makes my brain hurt, but this time, it's in a good way! LOL! How/what is the fringey part of the edges of HHH? And I love the way each of them are quilted, too!
Hi Nellie, I love your newly shown pieces...what fabulous work you do!!
I think your take, in fabric, of his paintings is just wonderful. I'm constantly amazed as I look at the quilts you make. They totally work for me..*VBS*
Hi Nellie, I love your HHH quilts. Congratulations they are fabulous. I live in New Zealand and Hundertwasser was very fond of our country. Are you aware of the toilet block he designed at Kawakawa in the north of NZ? If you do a Google search on images and put in the words Kawakawa; New Zealand and toilet you will see about 3 pages of photos of the building. It is famous here. Best Wishes from Alison.
In reply to Sharon's ? about the "fringey edge" on some of my pieces. I machine couch yarn to the raw edges. I use an open toe applique foot with a wide zig-zag stitch setting (5-8). I let the wide swing of the needle draw the yarn into the cut edge. If I position it close to the piece the yarn invariably creeps over or under rather than laying along the cut edge. The next time I do this, I'll take photos and post descriptions. There are a few more tricks that apply to the corners. So stay tuned ...
I love Hundertwasser's houses and your quilts! These are so much fun!
These are amazing! And OMG so much color!!! What a fun group of quilts to make!
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