
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Lake Series - Half Done

Yeah! I'm half way to my goal of 100 lake quilts. Every 25th piece is an abstract made from the trimmed off edges of the previous 24.
Lake #50 - 13"x 12"
The one other abstract quilt #25 that I 've made worked well with a horizontal arrangement of strips. This one has extreme light and dark pieces that I couldn't get to "flow".
Just before I fell asleep after an evening of trying to make this work, the solution came to me. Cut horizontal strips after the vertical ones are sewn, then slide each one way or the other by cutting a section off one side and re-sewing it onto the other. This is very much like the fast technique for constructing a "trip around the world" or bargello pattern.

The result reminds me of David Hockney's photographic collages.

The Lake Series albums in the sidebar have been updated. Album I includes all fifty quilts. Album II will contain the next fifty.


  1. A very creative solution and one that worked perfectly.

  2. The Lakes series are looking great Nellie!

  3. I'm really enjoying this series, Nellie!

  4. OOh!Ooh! I do like Number 50, Nellie.
    I'm curious to know if your efforts so far have reduced your Ort stash?
    BTW, thanks for your suggestion on my blog which gave me a kick start to get it done and off the wall.

  5. I love these abstracts which work so well because of the consistent theme and size! They are so textural, even more so than the originals from which they were trimmed.

  6. Anonymous11:06 AM

    gorgeous color AND texture.

  7. I agree with Jen Clair about the abstracts. There is so much complexity in them because of the tiny pieces. Your solution to the problem as you were falling asleep is a classic example of how the mind works, isn't it?

  8. I am enjoying your lake series...especially number 50

  9. This number 50 is so beautiful - love the colours.

  10. Wow! It's one of my favorites so far!! You're an inspiration!

  11. OH, i LOVE these ones! Amazing how scraps can become true ART! (As are all your pieces :})

  12. I love that you are doing something different for each 25th one. Number 50 is fantastic!!!!

  13. Like this one. I am totally amazed at the versatility of these works. What a wonderful series!

  14. I am really loving these lake pieces.

  15. Just found your blog :o)
    Love your colours and textures!


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