Earth Day
Recycling is major to Earth Day. To honor this, here's a collage made up of the cut-offs from the first twenty-four quilts in my Lake series.
Lake #25
I consider this to be recycling the recycled. Scraps of fabric and threads from my and friend's quilt projects make up the materials for the pieces in this Lake series. This abstract Lake quilt is composed of the edges I cut off to get each of the first twenty-four to a standard size of 13" wide.Also, the backings are recycled decorator fabric samples or old curtains while the batting is comprised of old blankets. So far, I've used scraps from an old army blanket and have cut up an old plaid stadium blanket.
I could hardly wait to get home to create this one with the scraps given to me by my friend Pat at bee this last Thursday.
I so very much liked the deep purples of Lake #22 that I needed to make another before continuing this series.

Lake #24
To view all twenty-five quilts, plus photos of each before they were quilted click on the Lake Series I photo album in the sidebar.
Awesome! That recycled one is such a good idea, and it looks beautiful too, a bonus!
Oh Nellie I love the earth day quilt :) Its very aztec-like.
I too love those deep purples in #24. Funny,I know these are lake series but #24 looks like mountains in the distance...and a desert in front with a mirage in the middle.
its cool!
I am so amazed at the variety you can get with basically the same scene. I just love the first one from the cut off ends. Inspired.
I so love your entire lake series but #25 is incredible! I'm still most emotionally attached to the Va Tech memorial one though.
Each one is more beautiful than the last. The recycled cut-offs make a beautiful variation in the series!
You continue to manage topping each quilt with a better one and the recycled strippy is a brilliant idea.
I loved the "recycling the recycled" quilt. Way cool.
Congratulations Nellie they are all wonderful. I love the purple and especially the clouds in lake # 23. You have managed to capture the many moods of the lake in different weather and different times of day. Awesome!
I am really in favour of recycling everything we can!
i love #25. the order and the randomness stitched together. wonderful earth day celebration! and a novel composition. works so well.
I love #25. It has a ripply effect.
Your lake series truly evokes the mood of the lake, you've captured it all- bright and sunshiny, dark and moody. They are all wonderful! But, after looking through the whole album, I think I like #25 best!
Your Lake #25 is inspired! I especially love that it is comprised of a piece of all the lake series. Wonderfully ties them all together.
"Waste not want not" is an old saying that my mother used to say to me when I was a child---and your strippy quilt is living proof to me.I think it is wonderful.
I love the Lake series, especially the deep purples & strips of #24. I also love the re-cycled theme. Great Work !!!!
This is the first time I've visited your blog. Your work is fabulous! I love #25 - such an interesting way to use up stuff that's normally gets trashed.
And - did you know that 'ort' is an oft used crossword puzzle word?
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