
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Spirals on the Wall

All those wonderful spiral blocks from the exchange are on my design wall along with additional fabrics from my stash including the folded ones laying in front.
Also included is the spiral flower block that I had made last summer. It was not successful by itself, but will work nicely with this group. Now to begin quilting pieces of the stash fabric and slicing and arranging all of them into a composition. I'll explain and post photos of the construction process for pre-quilted blocks when I get there.

Another task I caught up on is this 8"x 4" block made for our guild's out-going president.
She designed the block with stipulations for a black and white fabric, a personal choice fabric, and a white one with our name and the year we joined the guild written on it a button sewn in the center.


  1. Oh great! I can't wait to see how this progresses. I meant to ask you after the last post how you would put these together.

  2. the assortment of blocks play off one another really well... Looking forward to seeing what comes next :-)

  3. I love the blocks that you received and your explanation of your process is wonderful. I don't know if I would have been brave enough to cut them up.What you did is fabulous. can't wait for the next installment.


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