
Sunday, May 04, 2008

Honoring My Friend

My friend recently lost her battle with cancer. Gayle was an accomplished artist in the medium of textiles. She took up quilting late in her creative life when her back gave out working the looms. She was well known in the world of weaving. Her tapestries, woven designer clothing, and art quilts are "out there" in many people's lives and homes ... including mine. I made a video of the few photos that I have of her multitude of quilts (many of them award winning) to honor her.

To honor Gayle's hope and courageous battle I created this piece that is up for auction at the Collage Mania Fiberart For Auction Monday and Tuesday, May 5th and 6th.
Hope - 11"x 8" (2008)
It is just one of 235 collages for this Fiberart For A Cause fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Mine is on page 14. One-hundred percent of the proceeds goes to the ACS.

PS: Over $8000 raised on Monday.
Over $4000 raised on Tuesday.
When it was ALL tallied up, over $13,000


  1. Oh, Nellie! I am so very, very sorry. The loss of a good friend is like losing a piece of our ownselves. You do so very much more than even just honor her. You carried her spirit during the challenges of her illness and you share them now with the creative aspects of yourself and others. Know that those of us who so deeply understand loss grieve for you, her friends and most of all, her family. Love, spirit and art all live on. And they most certainly live on in the gift you gave her of you!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Truly good friends are a rare find. Wishing you the best through your pain.

  3. Nellie, I saw your beautiful piece. I have bid on several of them! It's a great cause.

  4. love (and quilts) remains. my heart is singing for you and your freind from far away.

  5. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Nellie –
    Thank you for this – It has allowed me to cry for the first time since we lost her.


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