
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Special Award Ribbons

The special award ribbons for the Smoky Mountain Quilt Guild Show that opens Friday were designed and made by me again this year. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons as well as the honorable mention ones are ordered through a local trophy store. You've seen the rosettes for the Best In Show ribbons in a previous post here.
The Viewer's Choice and Scrap Quilt ribbons are similar to those I made last year (as is the Judges Choice one). It's hard to beat a good idea.

It will be interesting to see how well each of these designs coordinate with the winning quilts. Last year it appeared as though I had made each ribbon for the quilt that won it. To view last year's ribbons go here.
Tomorrow I'll post a tutorial for how I construct them.


  1. What a lovely variety. Great job!

  2. Your ribbons are amazing, Nellie. Lucky winners who get these.

  3. I'd love to win the ribbon itself :}

  4. Those are very cool!


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