Nellie"s Needles

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Wind and Wild Waves

Recently there have been days with the wind blowing at speeds exceeding 30 miles per hour. Consequently, we get wild waves rolling from far out in the lake to shore.

I term these days as exuberant!
Early in the morning I saw mainly greens and purples in the water. All my observations throughout the day are featured in the lake piece created that day. This is the first one I've portrayed the wave puddles on the beach. Most of them are temporary, sinking quickly into the sand.
Lake #39
#39 c0nstruction


p said...

wow, I cannot believe those pictures..they look's so painterly. wonderful pics!
it's great seeing where you get your inspiration from!

Anonymous said...

You did a great job. The quilts look like the real thing.


A greaat inspiration - and your quilt too.

Dale Anne Potter said...

Enjoy seeing where you get your inspiration!
I enjoy seeing all your LOVELY pieces....and I'm sure in person they are even more LOVELY!!!

Teodo said...

Wonderful the lake and BELLISSIMO your lake!
ciao ciao

Kay said...

I second the comment about seeing the source of your inspiration. How green that is! The puddles are a wonderful detail; I don't think I ever noticed them before.