Moon Dance
This is my final entry in this year's SMQ Guild show. It was awarded 1st Place in the "Wall Hanging/Mixed Techniques and Quilted" category. It also received the Surface Embellishment Award.
Moon Dance - 38"x 42"
The background was constructed several years ago. It's made up of four small sections using Ricky Tims "Harmonic Convergence" technique. I posted about my Shiva Oil Paint Stick rubbing techniques on it here last fall when I began to work on it for this show.Initially, this was my plan for the center. My friend, Judy, had given me several pieces of African fabrics. One of them had a marvelous single warriors head printed with metallic gold. I had in mind for him to wear the macrame neck piece I had created back in the 70's. It's made with trade beads I had purchased in Morocco.

It's embellished with beads and buttons and African themed doodads I've been collecting over the years. Antique black glass beads are scattered like stars over the dark fabric areas of the background. There are hand-made ceramic buttons layered with beads to create shields.

you are crazy talented woman
this is the most beautiful quilt I have EVER seen. I cannot believe this is a quilt.
astonishing...i'm just hearing wow being echoed in my head over and over....
Just exquisite. How do you do it?
This is spectacular Nellie. There is nothing I do not love about it. All of your work is delightful!
This is absolutely fabulous.
It's gorgeous, Nellie! Absolutely gorgeous!
Unbelievable. I am at a loss for, at a loss for words!!! Just unbelievable!!!!
Spectacular is right, and you know that I have a weak spot for African inspired work. I love the diversity in your work!
I REALLY love this! The head-dress is perfect and I like the way you used the paint stick. Gorgeous colour scheme. Fantastic work.
i love coming here, there is so much to learn!
It's amazing. You are in a league of your own!
Nellie, this is awesome ... I feel I am "sitting at the feet" of a master. If you touch me, perhaps some of your talent will rub off :)
Gosh, Nellie - the things you come up with ... This is just gorgeous .. and I'm almost embarassed to admit you might give me some ideas, since I am 'stuck' on an African themed "Botwsana Diamonds" quilt. I have been thinking I needed more texture and looking at your quilt definitely agrees with my thinking. Thanks for ALL your great work and inspiration.
This quilt is excellent - its design and colours, great art!
I remember your post about this piece and the paint sticks. It has become even more wonderful with each additional detail!
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